GraphXR People

Our GraphXR People solution is everything you need to gain better understanding of the people, roles, responsibilities, locations and all things people related.


With our framework approach you can create a view of the organisation that is not possible with the likes of spreadsheets, diagrams and in some cases HR systems. Organisational size has a bearing on structures, groups, practices and teams and so the larger the organisation, the more difficult it is to actually see how things relate and connect. We connect those dots for you.

A GraphXR People model can be quickly generated and easily navigated and explored, so specific people and team data such as locations, roles, people, tenure, employment status, and specialisations can be identified and understood.

Project Deliverables

Graphical 3D Model

A dynamic 3D model of your HR/People data that you can navigate and explore and answer the questions that need to be answered every day.

Data Point of View

A Data Point of View that contains highlights, observations, opinion, and key findings and insights based on the analysis and exploration of the data.


From $10K inclusive of visibility of Employee ID, Employee name, Role, Location, Reports to, Award and Cost centre.

Get in touch today