The Hidden Interweave of Business: Why Visibility is Your Greatest Asset
Every business operates within a vast, interconnected web of customers, suppliers, people, and events. Yet, very few can truly see and understand the intricate interweave of these relationships in real time.
🌏 Transforming industries through circularity and industrial symbiosis!
The Kwinana Industries Council is paving the way for a groundbreaking approach to industrial symbiosis—with over 170 byproduct exchange contracts across 54 organizations. This is a prime example of how interconnected industrial ecosystems can operate efficiently and sustainably.
Your Work Shapes the Future
Every decision you make, task you complete, and system you improve has a ripple effect.
Putting salespeople in the right place
Holding a salesperson accountable for their KPIs can be tricky.
The Starship Enterprise
Organisations are creating their own version of the ‘Starship Enterprise’ to see what they need to see and explore opportunity by using graphical and data visualisation tools.
De-risking Data Migration
Executing a data migration from one Enterprise System to another is a complex, risky process that requires careful consideration, planning, execution, and validation.
Winter is coming - its essential you know your opportunity.
When times get tough, cash is tight, and the market is changing, how do we truly know our sales opportunities.
Explorative and Explanative Analysis - why you need both.
Exploring data starts with a data set of some sort.
Warm Data – how legal firms are starting to leverage it
Data, information and analytics is considered a business-as-usual activity by most legal firms. But in fact, it is the complete opposite.
Maximising the value of “Specific” and “Big” Data
In the race to harness the power of data to improve and transform, many small and medium size businesses are being led to believe the more data they have the better.
Visualising Finance
A data story that includes what costs are attributed to what product, service or activity; the risk classification and minimisation plan and what liabilities are beyond the balance sheet.
How Cybernetics fits into the leadership and management sphere.
An approach for calibration, communication, control, and feedback - the four things that create the conditions for connection, emotional intelligence, and performance.
Why we need Cybernetic leadership
Rapid technology advances, typical organisational dynamics, and the ever-increasing complexity of business means we have to continually embrace new methods and thinking to guide and shape the future of our organisations to provide effective leadership.
A Strategic Approach to Data
Data is one of the many raw materials that is used by every business. It has its own lifecycle. We base decisions on it, we repurpose it and reuse it, we leverage it.
Effective and efficient project management with Mirella Luketich
Jackie talks with Mirella Luketich on how effective and efficient projects require a good project manager and a sound project management approach
Stakeholder management
We prefer the term Stakeholder Engagement over Stakeholder Management for one simple reason.
How could and how should we transition?
This is the question that we all have to ask ourselves. The potential answers can be many, but deciding on the best approach, well that’s a bit trickier.
The seven elements
A great introduction when considering Business Alignment in your organisation.
Overcoming challenges in large transformation projects with Jo Fortin (Woodside)
Jackie and Jo discuss the challenges faced by organisations undertaking large Optimisation, Transition, or Transformation projects.
All things data - a discussion with Weidong Yang (CEO of Kineviz inc)
Jackie and Wei discuss structured and unstructured data and the value of using visualisation tools to achieve fast understanding and insight.